
A Conifer Variety Pack - Bare Root Trees - 75 Pack $98.00

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Product Details

Conifer Variety Pack - Bare Root Trees - 75 Pack $98.00 **SPECIAL**

You will receive 25 trees of each of the three varieties listed below.

25 - White Pine Tree (Pinus strobus)

BARE ROOT TREE: 9-12" Zone: 3-7 Mature Size: 40'- 50' x Spread: 20'-30'

25 - Fraser Fir Tree (Abies fraseri)

Bare Root Tree: 9-12" Zone: 3-7 Height 30-80' Spread:15'

25 - Black Hills Spruce Tree (Picea glauca 'Densata')

Bare Root Tree: 10-12" Zone:2-8 Height: 50' Spread: 15-20'

BONUS/FREE Root Dip is an Endo-Mycorrhizal & Ecto-Mycorrhizal Inoculant for bare root treatments to inoculate the roots of plants before planting. This results in faster plant establishment.

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